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Organic Cotton

362 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 362 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 362 products
Greendigo Organic Cotton Hen Soft Toy for BabiesGreendigo Organic Cotton Hen Soft Toy for Babies
Greendigo Organic Cotton Elephant Soft Toy for BabiesGreendigo Organic Cotton Elephant Soft Toy for Babies
Greendigo Organic Cotton Owl Soft Toy for BabiesGreendigo Organic Cotton Owl Soft Toy for Babies
Greendigo Organic Cotton Mouse Soft Toy for BabiesGreendigo Organic Cotton Mouse Soft Toy for Babies

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Organic Cotton

100% Organic cotton produces 94% less greenhouse gas emissions & is grown organically which reduces soil erosion and creates healthy soil. The most significant benefit of organic cotton is that it is extremely gentle on the skin and the material is free from chemicals, and it reduces the chances of developing skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, rashes, and other skin allergies.