Shoes are an essential part of our daily lives, and we have no second thoughts about them. The conventional footwear industry's estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contribution is 1.4%. In simpler terms, one pair of traditional sneakers/shoes, while being manufactured, generates 13.6 kilos of carbon dioxide (CO2) compared to sustainable shoes/sneakers that are good for the environment.
With more shoes entering landfills daily, we cannot ignore the hazardous effects. The answer to curbing this problem is to purchase eco-friendly sneakers like Roar For Good Black Casual Shoes for Men made from recycled PET bottles at online sustainable marketplaces like Upcycleluxe or at physical outlets that sell sustainable shoes and sneakers.
Eco-friendly sneakers, especially sneakers made from plastic waste, are in vogue. Ecological sustainability is the paramount factor that has led to a green revolution in top sneaker brands and has also sparked a growth of new sustainable footwear brands that boast a collection of sustainable sneakers that can be used for various reasons, like sustainable running sneakers.
- What Are The Characteristics of Sustainable Sneakers/Shoes & How They Address Environmental Concerns?

Sustainable sneakers/shoes are the beacon of light when addressing conventional footwear's adverse effects. They match the qualities of traditional sneakers/shoes, but the main highlight is that they don't harm nature. Sustainable running sneakers/shoes or eco-friendly shoes are made using organic fabrics and recycled/upcycled materials like PET bottles (Roar For Good - Peach Casual Shoes for Women made from recycled PET bottles) and algae, to name a few.
Time to explore the characteristics of sustainable sneakers/shoes:
- Made using organic fabrics and recycled materials.
- No virgin non-degradable plastics are used; instead, waste plastics are recycled and used to manufacture sustainable running sneakers.
- Contains no harmful chemicals or toxins.
- Sustainable sneakers are durable and last long.
- Reduces carbon emissions.
- No water pollution.
- Not tested on animals.
- Benefits Of Sustainable Sneakers And Why You Should Choose Them
Now that we have a brief understanding of the characteristics of sustainable sneakers, it is time to understand the benefits of choosing them:
- Made Using Recycled And Renewable Materials
Sustainable footwear brands are offering footwear made using recycled plastic bottles, agricultural waste, algae, and fabrics like organic cotton and hemp, to name a few. Eco-friendly sneakers are innovative in their design and use materials that help minimise environmental impact.
- Reduces Water Consumption
Conventional sneakers are usually made using traditional cotton, which uses 10,000 to 20,000 liters of water to grow just 1kg! Now, isn't that a complete waste of water vital to staying alive? Sustainable sneakers/shoes rely less on conventional fabrics derived from crops, and the manufacturing process requires minimal water. This way, sustainable running shoes help conserve water for our use and for future generations.
- Reduces Waste
Most conventional shoes or sneakers are made using leather and plastic. When discarded, they pose a hazardous threat to the environment. An estimated 300 million shoes fill landfills, water bodies, and sewers globally. Sustainable casual shoes like Roar For Good - Navy Blue Slip on Shoes for Men are made using recycled materials and plastic waste like PET bottles, which helps reduce non-degradable waste into wearable items. This helps reduce the plastic and fabric waste that fills the land and water bodies.
- Cuts Down Plastic Waste
Plastic bottles and other plastic waste are a significant threat to the environment. Traditional sneakers are made from polymers derived from crude oil, which take ages to degrade and pose a potent threat to the environment. For example, the plastic material used in pumps of training shoes alone can take up to 1000 years to degrade!
Conversely, sneakers made from plastic waste from sustainable footwear brands use discarded plastic waste, treat it, and turn it into durable, sporty, and fashionable eco-friendly sneakers.
- Deploys Responsible Manufacturing Practices
Almost all sustainable footwear brands deploy and adhere to ethical sourcing, fair labour pay, fair working conditions, energy-efficient production techniques, and no harm to animals as the main principles in their daily business. This type of environment helps boost the morale of the employees and, in turn, helps them give their best.
- Ensures No Harm To Animals
Earlier, consumers had no choice, but today, things are changing, and so are consumers' perspectives. The eco-friendly sneakers movement is helping curb the pain or killing of animals for their hides. Many sustainable footwear brands abide by the laws laid down by PETA to deliver products that are devoid of materials derived from animals, exploitation, testing on animals, or destruction of their living habitats.
- Competitive Edge
With the rising numbers of conscious consumers who vouch for organic clothing, sustainable daily use products, and organic beauty and skincare products, the same way the sustainable footwear industry is also gaining a competitive edge over the conventional footwear industry. With big footwear brands shelling out sustainable footwear collections, the popularity of sustainable sneakers is rising and is being purchased by consumers. This eco-friendly sneakers wave has led to the increase of various sustainable Indian footwear brands.
- Appealing to Conscious Consumers And Future Generations

Today's population, comprising Gen X, Millennia’s, and Gen Z, is aware of the drastic climatic changes and their reasons. This existing erratic climate behaviour is helping consumers be more conscious of what they are purchasing and the ill effects of the same on the environment.
With a rising set of conscious consumers who want a better, healthier environment for their future generations, the demand for eco-friendly products like organic produce, sustainable fashion products, sustainable accessories, and sustainable shoes like Roar For Good Multi Coloured Slip on Shoes for Women is growing steadily.
Some aspects, such as sneakers made from plastic waste and renewable materials, are more appealing to the existing conscious customers and prospective customers looking to accept green consumerism.
Upcycleluxe ( believes in the power of sustainable products and their positive effects on the environment. With carbon neutrality at its core, we offer you the best sustainable Indian fashion labels, organic skincare and beauty brands, sustainable gifts, sustainable sneakers and shoes, zero-waste products, and many more on our online sustainable marketplace. Visit us and shop for the best sustainable sneakers, vegan shoes, and other eco-friendly products.